Jolt (2021)

Jolt (2021)

AG (G)
Film Jolt
Vizualizari in total: 18934 / Vizualizari luna asta: 5844

Trailer film Jolt
Regia: Tanya Wexler
Actori: Kate Beckinsale, Jai Courtney, Stanley Tucci, Bobby Cannavale
Gen: Actiune, Comedie
Durata: 99 min.
Premiera in Romania: 23.07.2021

A bouncer with a slightly murderous anger-management problem that she controls with the help of an electrode-lined vest she uses to shock herself back to normalcy whenever she gets homicidal. After the first guy she's ever fallen for is murdered, she goes on a revenge-fueled rampage to find the killer while the cops pursue her as their chief suspect.
Jolt (2021) on IMDb 

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